Creating Tests Suites

After we created several test cases, we can now group them under a suite and run them all together

Creating your first test suite

We create suites in the exact same way as a case, the only difference is choosing multiple test cases

  • Go to Suites under Testing

  • Right-click the dashboard on the left panel and choose “Add Folder”

  • Now after the folder is created, it appears on the left panel under the dashboard, right click it and select the type of test suite you wish to create - web or mobile

Adding test cases to your suite

  1. Select the suite you wish to work on by clicking it in the left panel

  2. Click on the Cases or Tags tab

  3. Click on ‘Add cases’ button above the cases list

Now select the cases you want to add, clicking on a folder will select everything in it

Click on Add & Close, then save changes

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