CI/CD Pipeline

Running your tests in CloudBeat from CI/CD pipeline

You can trigger and run your tests in CloudBeat from CI pipeline. CloudBeat takes the hassle of parallelizing and scaling your tests in the CI pipeline, grouping test results and providing standard integration with your CI tool based on JUnit XML format. Beyond the standard JUnit XML based reporting, you can benefit from AI-driven root-cause analysis and quality gating inside CloudBeat UI.


npm install -g @cloudbeat/cli


Execute a test case or suite:

Following command will execute the specified Case or Suite, wait for the tests to finish, and will produce XML report in JUnit format:

cloudbeat-cli start <testType> <testId> --apiKey <apiKey> --apiBaseUrl <apiUrl> [options]

If test execution succeeds exit code will be 0. Otherwise exit code will be 1.


  • testId - Test id.

  • testType - Either case or suite.

  • apiKey - API key. Can be retrieved from the user profile in CloudBeat.

  • apiBaseUrl - CloudBeat API address. For SaaS it should be For on-premises installations consult your system administrator.


  • --project <projectName> - Project name. If specified, then <testId> should specify case/suite name instead of an id.

  • --tags <tags> - Specifies tags by which the tests will be executed. Will work only with Suite.

  • -e, --env <name> - Specifies environment to use for test execution. Environment should be already defined in CloudBeat for the project whose test is being executed.

  • -a, --attr <attributes> - Allows passing name-value pairs to test execution scripts. The passed data can be accessed via attributes property. E.g.

  • --release <releaseName> - Name of the release or version to be associated with the test result.

  • --build <buildName> - Name of the build to be associated with the test result. Requires specifying --release as well.

  • --suffix <time|id> - Report filename suffix to use. Must be either "time" or "id".

  • --folder <folder> - Path to a directory where test results will be saved. If not specified, results will be saved in the current working directory.

  • --silent - Do not print test progress details.

Usage examples:

Execute Case by its id and pass environment id and test attributes:

cloudbeat-cli start case 70224 --apiKey AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEE --apiBaseUrl --env MyEnviroment --attr foo=bar,baz=qux

Execute Case by its name. Note that when executing tests by name, project name should be specified as well:

cloudbeat-cli start case "My Case" --project "My Project" --apiKey AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEE --apiBaseUrl

Execute tests marked with the specified tags in the specified suite. This will override any tags selected via CloudBeat UI:

cloudbeat-cli start suite 34984 --tags foo,bar,qaz --apiKey AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEE --apiBaseUrl

Get current test run status:

run-status can be used for retrieving the status of a currently executing test:

cloudbeat-cli run-status <runId> --apiKey <apiKey> --apiBaseUrl <apiUrl>

Get test result for specified test run:

run-result can be used for retrieving the result data for a finished test:

cloudbeat-cli run-result <runId> --apiKey <apiKey> --apiBaseUrl <apiUrl>

Update project artifacts:

sync can be used for updating artifacts for the specified project using a zip archive.

cloudbeat-cli sync <projectId> <artifactArchive> --apiKey <apiKey> --apiBaseUrl <apiUrl>


  • projectId - Project id. Project type must support uploading artifacts as zip archives.

  • artifactArchive - Path to a zip archive containing the artifacts.

  • apiKey - API key. Can be retrieved from the user profile in CloudBeat.

  • apiBaseUrl - CloudBeat API address. For SaaS it should be For on-premises installations consult your system administrator.

Usage examples:

cloudbeat-cli sync 53574 "C:\foo\" --apiKey AAAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEE --apiBaseUrl

Additional general options (work with all commands):

  • -f, --failOnErrors <true|false> - Controls whether to return non-successful exit code on errors or not.

Last updated

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